
Tax Planning Services

Advanced Tax-Planning Services for High-Net-Worth Individuals

Team 25 provides our clients with confidence. Confidence that their tax situation is in secure, capable hands. We help our high-net-worth clients take advantage of every tax-efficient, wealth management, and investment opportunity possible to maximize tax savings and reduce IRS tax burdens. 25 Financial’s experienced tax professionals offer the tax planning services that help our clients do just that.

Our Top Tax Planning Strategies

We’re the financial advisors who make sure all applicable tax codes and tax laws work for our clients, not the other way around. To that end, we go above and beyond standard deductions for our clients.

Some of the tax-saving methods we employ to help our filers maximize savings on tax returns include the following:

Retirement Planning

Planning for the future is important for Team 25 and our clients. We help clients convert retirement savings accounts in ways that make sense for them. One major strategy we employ is moving pre-tax contributions from a traditional IRS to a Roth IRA retirement account.

Estate Planning

Filing all estate planning documents correctly and in a timely manner is crucial for making sure someone’s will is executed without a hitch. We take the time to learn more about our clients so we know more about their plans for their own long-term care, asset division, and care of any minor children or other dependents they have. Based on that knowledge, we help our clients file the legal documents they need to set their affairs in order and reduce estate taxes owed to any beneficiaries.

Cost Segregation Services

We oversee cost segregation studies to reduce our clients’ obligations for income taxes.

1031 Exchange

For clients who wish to defer taxes on capital gains, we recommend 1031 exchanges for IRS-compliant properties and real estate investments.

Succession Planning

Many high-net-worth individuals need to ensure that their organizations will have a seamless transition of leadership after they pass or can no longer assume leadership responsibilities. We help plan for the future by implementing succession planning strategies that ensure successful leadership transitions and also help reduce tax liabilities on company assets.

Securing Tax Credits

High-net-worth individuals, like business owners and physicians, may be eligible for unique tax credits. We take calculated steps to find all available tax credits and deductions for our clients.

Real Estate Management

Our wealth management strategies are based in large part in our real estate management services. By helping our clients filing real estate portfolios in the most tax-efficient way possible, we help our clients save thousands each year in state and local taxes owed.

Documenting Charitable Donations

Our clients are generous. We help clients keep track of tax-free charitable gifting to reduce taxable income.

Filing S-Corp Status

One of our top tax-filing strategies for clients who own their own business or practice is to file it with S-Corp status, when appropriate. This status establishes the business as a pass-through entity, granting our clients major tax benefits like reducing tax liabilities and eliminating corporate tax burdens.

Establishing Direct Indexing Portfolios

Establishing direct indexing portfolios helps our clients reduce overall tax bills through means like tax-loss harvesting.

Securing Tax Write-Offs

Individual tax write-offs can greatly reduce taxes owed. The process of finding and filing for them, however, can be time-consuming. That’s where Team 25 comes in. We find all possible tax write-offs for our clients with business expenses like mortgage payments and utilities.


Invest More with 25 Financial

  • Discover. We spend time getting to know our clients’ needs, hopes, and goals.
  • Plan. We provide options to meet your goals and recommend the best approach.
  • Act. We follow through to ensure the full plan is implemented.
  • Review. Life often brings change, so we regularly review and reassess the plan.

We Know That Tax Planning for High-Net-Worth Individuals is Different

Financial planning and wealth management for high-net-worth individuals is far different from planning for the general public. It takes experience, technical knowledge, and creative thinking to secure the best possible financial future for these people.

At 25 Financial, we believe in an unbiased and comprehensive approach to financial planning for these individuals. Our extensive financial plans include proactive tax-planning services, investment management, insurance planning, estate planning, debt management, retirement planning, student loan management, and benefits planning.
