Adding Value at No Cost

25 Financial providing Practice Match members new tools

Benefits to Hospital Groups

No Cost to the Hospital​
Eliminate physician burnout cause by financial stress
Remove distractions for physicians so they can focus on patients
Enhanced recruitment appeal with added financial support services
Streamlined onboarding for physicians

Why 25 Financial are Experts with Physicians

Extensive experience working with physicians

Decrease physician financial stress through comprehensive and convenient services

Deep understanding of physician goals and financial needs

Enhanced financial stability and satisfaction for in-practice or onboarding physicians

Comprehensive services tailored to physicians

Customized financial solutions for physicians at no cost to hospitals

Previous Partnership Programs

Physician Financial Stressors

70% of transitioning Physicians have $100k+ debt; 54% with more than $200k.

– Association of American Medical Colleges

56% of physicians plan to enter loan forgiveness or repayment program.

– Association of American Medical College

Average disability lasts 31.2 months.

– Council for Disability Awareness

Defensive step to prevent worst case scenarios.

No down payment nor income history required.

34% (1 in 3) of physicians have had a medical liability lawsuit; 1 in 2 by age 55.

– American Medical Association

Current tax brackets sunset 2025. Tax brackets to increase as high as 39.6%.

– Internal Revenue Service

Finances reported as the 2nd leading cause of physician depression and stress.

– Medscape
