Life to the Fullest

Written by: Randy Larson, J.D., LL.M., CFP®

What is Life to the Fullest

Before the invention of the light bulb in 1879, people slept an average of 11 hours a night.[1]  We are now down to 7.  Accordingly, a 1967 U.S. Senate sub-committee predicted that by 1985, the average American will work only 22 hours a week and 27 weeks per year.[2]  Their main concern for the future was too much leisure!

Did they get it right?  How are we using the “extra hour” we were given?  Not well.  The average American now works 4 more weeks per year than they did in 1979.[3]  The average iPhone user touches their phone 2,617 times everyday for a grand total of 2.5 hours per day.[4]  The average male plays 10,000 hours of video games before the age of 21.[5]  Every year, the average American spends 705 hours on social media and 2,737 hours watching T.V.[6]

Our Mission at 25 Financial is to help our clients “achieve more of both time and money.”  We aspire to find the elusive 25th hour of the day for our clients.  But what is the point of an extra hour in the day if we just fill it with the same excesses and worries of the first 24 hours?  We have to think bigger.  At 25 Financial, we have.  Our Vision, is to “help our clients and team live life to its fullest potential.”  But how?  And where do we find this life?

Where to find Life to the Fullest

I found “Life to the fullest” on a dance floor.  I hit rock bottom at age 19 and began counseling.  My therapist asked me what brought out the compassionate side of me.  I hardly understood the question.  But then I recalled teaching kids Sunday School at my church as a teenager and then going on mission trips to Brazil, Africa and Costa Rica.  I remembered loving the poor and vulnerable with a surge of energy that could “move mountains” during these times in my life.

In College, I began visiting a local nursing home where I danced with elderly widows on Friday afternoons for happy hour.  I went almost every week for 4 years before moving from California to St. Louis for Law School.  It changed my life.  I found life to the fullest in consistent acts of service to the poor and vulnerable, the forgotten.  This blossomed into years of generously giving time and resources to charitable organizations, single moms, youth groups, inner-city kids, global poverty, the elderly, etc…

What elicits compassion inside of you?  Who would you bust through a wall to help?  Or bring you to tears thinking about?  Who is it that makes you want to give until it hurts?  What allocation of time, energy and resources are you giving to these people?  What if life to the fullest in your life was proportional to that allocation?

How do I live Life to the Fullest:  Enjoy Wealth and Give Wealth

For thousands of years, ancient wisdom literature has cautioned against chasing after riches.  King Solomon, the wealthiest and wisest King in recorded history cautions, “Such is the fate of all who are greedy for money; it robs them of life.”[7] He continues, “Don’t wear yourself out trying to get rich. Be wise enough to know when to quit.”[8] And finally, “Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income.”[9]

In a surprise twist, he advises listeners to “give freely and become more wealthy” stating that “the generous will prosper” and “those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.”[10]  This is strange. Solomon suggests that if we want to exit the rat race, “be refreshed” and even become “more wealthy,” we are to be “generous” and “give freely.”

Generously giving without expectation unlocks the heart to become a joyful giver. This leads to true wealth which is more than just money.  He also emphasizes the importance of enjoying wealth.  He advises “…that it is appropriate for a person to eat, to drink and to find satisfaction in their toilsome labor.”[11] Put it all together and the richest and wisest author in history advises that the good life is found in enjoying wealth and giving wealth.

At 25, we can testify to this. We enjoy wealth and generously give wealth. In fact, the more we give away, the less control our possessions and wealth have over our lives. The less control they have over our lives, the less responsive we are to their demands. We now come home for family dinner instead of taking “just one more meeting.” The more family dinners, date nights and community we have, the more laughter, joy and peace of mind we obtain. We pass this peace of mind to our clients by remaining emotionally healthy and clear-headed when investigating investment opportunities, caring for our client’s comprehensive needs and remaining stable in uncertain times.

But the benefits of generosity do not stop with us. There are real unmet needs that require our attention. 25 Financial gives the first 20% of all profits to charity.  We hope to inspire others to give their wealth to worthy causes and organizations as well.  We believe this is how to live life to the fullest.

We invite you to join us by participating in our upcoming events and campaigns and to continue to enjoy wealth and to generously give wealth.

[1] Comer, John.  “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry,” pg. 31.  In Seminary, I (Randy) was introduced to Dallas Willard, the chair of the philosophy department at the University of Southern California.  He taught us that to “live life to its fullest,” we must “ruthlessly eliminate hurry” in our lives.  That was 20 years ago.  Willard died several years ago, but his prophetic message lives on in John Mark Comer’s recent book entitled, “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry.”  This best-seller indicts the fast-paced, excessive and hurried American culture.  Comer hooks readers with several startling statistics.

[2] Comer, Pg.  33.

[3] Comer, Pg.  33.

[4] Comer, Pg.  36.

[5] Comer, Pg.  71.

[6] Comer, Pg.  36.

[7] Proverbs 1:19

[8] Proverbs 23:4

[9] Ecclesiastes 5:10

[10] Proverbs 11:24-25

[11] Ecclesiastes 5:18; See also, Ecc. 2:24; 3:12-13

Important Information:
Our content is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only. It is very important to do your own analysis before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances. You should take independent financial advice from a professional in connection with, or independently research and verify, any information that you find on our website and wish to rely upon, whether for the purposes of making an investment decision or otherwise. 25 and Arete Wealth Management are not tax professionals. You should consult with your tax professional before taking actions which affect your tax situation.

Securities offered through Arete Wealth Management, LLC, member FINRA, SIPC and NFA. Investment advisory services offered through Arete Wealth Advisors, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor.
